Catching up

This is just a post catching up on my life! More so for my own records than for cool reading, but please feel free to read my rambling. *Warning: lots to read....

So. First of all, my internship for this semester is coming to an end. As of today, I've just got two work weeks left!!!! !!!!!!

The internship: 
I know I was super emotional about this internship before I started. And I still know for sure that I will not be moving here in the hypothetical situation where they offer me a job after I graduate (unless i get no other offers :'( ). But, I have enjoyed it nonetheless.
For the job itself, I'm learning a ton. I'm learning to participate in meetings, to figure out my own problems, and to handle multiple tasks at once. If this is what being a mechanical engineer will be like in the future, I'd be okay with it :). It's cool really. Without giving away too much, I'm working in quality management right now, so I get to deal with almost all of the different manufacturing departments of my product. I get a slight graze into each manufacturing process, whereas if I were to work in manufacturing, I would get a deeper insight into just one manufacturing department. It has really made me force myself to ask questions and learn super quickly.

I used to tutor just a short while ago, and I still volunteer at a local elementary school. During all of these sessions, it's really hard for me to understand how little the kids know. It's not that I'm judging them for being stupid or something, it's really just me not being able to take into consideration the education and experience they have had. So in this aspect, I'm sure all of the workers at my internship think the same with me, so they talk quickly about things that I have no idea of, but assume I know.

The hardest thing has had to be asking questions. My personality is very timid, and I hate being wrong. I hate asking for help because I'm pretty sure I have a strong case of inferiority complex. lololol. But nonetheless, when I decided not to ask questions, I would spend countless hours trying to figure it out by myself or getting completely stuck. I'm sure for a lot of employers, this try to figure it out yourself attitude is really important and desirable, but I think mine is a little too much hahahaha. I learned to really know when I need to ask help for the things I really did not know.

I also realize how blessed I am to have a manager who I really get along with. He might be a little loud or rambunctious compared to me, but he gives me adequate amounts of work, is very friendly, and treats me like I'm a valuable asset to his department.

Overall, I think it was a really valuable internship. I'm confident that this internship will be super useful in other interviews or job searches.

I'm still not super bought on the city itself. Not trying to be racist, but there is a very strong distinction of demographic areas. If you go downtown, there is a very strong presence of the rich and the white. This is probably true in a lot of smaller cities, but every time I go downtown I feel that there really aren't many minority races. Maybe this is because I'm from Atlanta, where you can really see different races in the city and the metro-Atlanta area. I don't know if I'm being sensitive, but my experience with the service when I was hanging downtown with my friends was just kind of iffy. Just a little thing that bothers me.

Also, Charleston is small. I could walk the entire downtown area in one day probably if I wanted to, but there isn't a huge distinguishing factor between some of the areas. Maybe as a college or semester kind of deal, it'd be fun to live here, but I don't know.

I do see the merits of Charleston though, don't get me wrong. I currently reside just north of Charleston which is a 20-30 minute drive to downtown and a 30-40 minute drive to the beaches. The beaches are what get me. For sure, the Carolina beaches aren't anything compared to the Bahamas or even some of the Florida beaches, but it's still nice. I love having the option of going to the beach almost anytime I want (I don't, because cars, drives, you get me...). But once you go to any beach, it's that feeling: the wind, the big body of water, the sand, the atmosphere, and the people. It really clears my mind and that stuffy feeling you get inside of your chest.

A lot of the local people are very friendly. I'll go to shops or even the grocery store and people will casually talk to you or just make a small funny comment. It's nice.

But overall, it's just probably mainly that my family isn't here that makes me not like Charleston. It'd probably be different if I could also be one of the dog walkers on the beach with my dog :'). It'd be different if I could walk the streets of downtown Charleston and shop with my mom and my sister. It'd be different if my dad was one of the people in my neighborhood beautifying the lawn.

Life in General: 
SO. Yesterday was my sister's birthday. aaaaaaaaaand, basically using my sister's birthday as an excuse (hahahahahaha, shhh, ily), I bought us both D I S N E Y W O R L D Packages!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is a BIG deal for both of us. My sister and I are and have always been very into anything Disney. Going against all blah blah feminist principles and haters opinions, we love the Disney princess movies, the animated PIXAR movies, the Classics, everything.

We've been to Disney World once, back in... 2011 I think. For one day. And IT RAINED. So sadly, we didn't get to see any parades or the fireworks. But I can definitely say it was still one of the most magical experiences of our lives HAHAHAHA. :') I was 16(?) at the time, but I felt like an 8 year old seeing real life Cinderella and real life Peter Pan and real life Prince Eric for the first time. :'''''''')

So officially, two and a half weeks from now, I will happily be in Disney World for the second time :') :') :'''''''''''''''''')

My sister and I have been nonstop thinking about Disney World and it's torturing us. Also, I really wasn't expecting Disney to be crazy popular at the time we were going........ but we tried to make reservations for the Be our Guest restaurant.......... from 9AM to 10PM it's all booked..... wtf. seriously. I thought all the Disney tip people who said to reserve 180 days before were joking/ crazy.........:'(


Also, in preparation for Disney, I have been dieting T_T

Why? Because I am planning to take like 4 Thousand pictures hahahahahhaha. Also, swimsuit season lololol. :'(

I haven't been doing much, really. I've just been reducing my calorie intake for the day and doing the C25K program (which is great, fr do it). Yesterday I cheated because I got Zaxby's, but I will get back on it today, I promise <3

So, in conclusion, I am feeling it. I'm excited to be finishing my internship. I'm excited to be going to Disney World. I'm excited to go home soon! I'm excited to lose weight! I also bought a crazy amount of makeup today, so I'm excited for that too. loolololol.

Okay, Longest post ever. Good job if anyone read till here. HAHAHAHA. There weren't even pictures LOL. :')

Thanks so much for reading,



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