TiMOC #6: Trick Eye Museum

When finding the Trick Eye Museum in Hongdae, be careful  not to stay in the Love museum... Awkward...

The Trick Eye Museum is just a museum with a whole bunch of pictures and stages where you can take funny pictures :D My group of three took over like 300 pictures... and I picked the best of them, but brace yourself hahahahahha

Also, I never really planned to put a ton of pictures of myself on my blog, so I have blurred all of our faces out, but you can basically see the type of girl I am with all of the poses I decided to go with....

My bag came in handy every now and then as a prop

I am very short fr though.

Most people just washed their hands, but I went the extra mile.

Don't wear a skirt to the Trick Eye Museum


The only time I would ever be able to do this.

Legit this friend took dance classes so she's super fancy af.


My face on this one was really a piece of work.

I am sorry for this inappropriateness.

Overall, really super duper fun especially if you like taking pictures. It's a really good excuse to take a lot of pictures. It's also indoors so you can avoid the summer heat!! There is also a small Ice museum at the end so it's super cool to go in there too. :))))

Thanks for reading,



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