Adult Life

So it has been a week since I started my "Adult Life," as I'm calling it. I'm currently away from home doing an internship rotation. This is my first time actually living alone, aside from being at college dormitories.

The first two nights here were kind of really emotional for me. I laid in bed almost regretting my choices. The main unprofessional reason I wanted to do an internship was so that I could chill at home and actually gain experience whilst taking a break from school work. However, I had always imagined that I would be doing just that, but within the comfort of my own home-- with my dog, my family, and my friends.

Coming to the realization that this was not what happened really made me think about the could've-beens. I kept thinking, "did I just settle for whatever opportunity came first? Was I really that desperate for an internship? Couldn't I have just only applied to ones near my house? Does this limit my career choices for the future?" I got super emotional thinking about the choices I had made.

The third day away from home was my actual first day of work. This day was a lot better. I met A LOT of people. Seriously. I never knew I was so bad at remembering names. Every time I met someone new, I just immediately (I actually mean IMMEDIATELY) forgot their names. I do this a lot during phone conversations where I just blank out at important parts. But that's besides the point. I got to see a lot of the cool things that I would be working on. Also, I was able to revisit the reason why I chose my major in the first place. Sure, it wasn't the EXACT thing I wanted to do later in life, but it came pretty close.

The next couple of days went by really fast. Between waking up at 6 and making lunch and dinner for myself, time rushed by.

Then came Sunday. On Sunday, I found a really small church to go to (much like my church at home). My mom, who really never sends me any text messages, sent me a message that said something along the lines of "Becca, I thought you were still a child but you're an adult now. How brave of you. The seat beside me feels really empty."

Now, I'm a really big family girl. I love my family. and I'm especially close with my mom. She's the epitome of what I call a role model. Seeing the text message, and even recalling it now, brought tears to my eyes. It was really hard to hold in the tears during service.

Now it's exactly been a week since my first day here. and I'm okay. I'm focusing on trying to exercise everyday and spending a lot of time with Netflix (something I would have done at home anyways).  I hope that the next couple weeks are eventful and that I can keep my mentality in a positive light.

PS. I'm a super introvert, so I am very comfortable being alone. But I super miss my dog and my friends and family. But I'm also having a lot of fun pretending to be an adult-- grocery shopping, making food, etc.

Thanks for reading,



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