2016 in Review
Wow this is late... hahahahahahahaha. It's been like forever since my last blog post.. and I say this every single post.. hahahahahaha
Well, 2016 is over!!! It seemed so long but so short at the same time. So many things have happened during the past year !!!
I started the year off with a new adventure in Charleston with my new internship!! The experience was so scary and different, but I'm so glad that I've gotten through it and it's really opened me up a little, socially and professionally. :)
I got this camera! So I started to take some nice pictures.
My friends came to Charleston to save me from my loneliness:
We went to Sundial for my friend's birthday and my mom's birthday:
I went to Disney with my sister in May:
I went to school during the summer and had a challenging, time consuming, but fun design competition class. Then I went to Clearwater beach with my friends for the summer:
I finished my 2nd rotation at my internship back in Charleston for the fall semester.
My mom took vacation days for Thanksgiving and we did a lot of hiking and nature viewing:
My sister and I went to Disney, AGAIN (complete post later):
Christmas came along:
And I don't have any pictures, but my 21st birthday happened!! Finally, the year ended...
Here's to a new year:
* I hope to continue this blog, whether it's sporadically or on schedule
* Keep working out and get fit and healthy
* Study harder and more diligently
* Keep taking pictures and journalling, and continue my efforts in increasing and sustaining my creativity
* Get more involved in school or church or in the community: DO SOMETHING!
Things coming up in 2017 for me:
* CANCUN!!! We've decided to go to Cancun for Spring break in March!!! :)))))
* My last internship rotation!!! Excited for it to end...
* Continue with school..
* Summer cruise trip with my friends?!?~?~
This turned out to be a major photodump, but as always,
Thanks for reading,
Becca. <3
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