Update on Me

Hi. Long time no see(?). Personal post, so read if you wanna, don't if you don't wanna. (:

I put a picture of my dog bc didn't really feeeeeeeel like making a decent post hahahahahahahahaha.

Idk, mane.

I don't know what it is, if its pms or what, but I have just been in the worst mood this entire week. I'm trying not to take it out on my family, but it's happening hahahahhaha. Maybe it's school... :/ idk. School hasn't been too bad so far, but it's looking like it'll be a tropical storm for the next one and a half months... My design class is going to get crazy and I have no idea how I'll finish the projects, and I have no idea whats going on in my other major class.


I'd like to do things to ease my mind up or lift my mood, but then I think about how I won't enjoy it because of the underlying pressure of all the assignments. Optimally, I'd like to be super productive, finish all my work in one go, and study the hell out, but I can't. I'm a normal student :'( whatever, bleh.

So, nothing really cool has been happening, other than meeting up with friends, going to school, and staying at home.

I commute to school now, and from where I live, Atlanta is around a 40 minute drive, but with rush hour traffic, it goes up to 1 hour to 2 hours of driving. As I said before, I hate driving, but the commute hasn't been too bad. I'm pretty patient when it comes to traffic (unless I'm late or something), and I keep my head blank for most of the time I'm driving. What sucks is the time that you waste on the road. I have to wake up two hours before class just to get there on time, and I get home wayyyyy later than I would like on most days. Also, of course it's really inconvenient not being on campus all the time for studying and group meetings.

But ultimately, I don't really regret choosing to commute this semester. I spent an entire four months being out of my house, so I wouldn't want to come back to college to do the same thing. Also, I really didn't want to use all my hard worked money on rent LOL. NO. Even though I'm not doing anything with my savings, I like the fact that I have a secure amount in there, and maybe there will be something I really want to do :)

I'm procrastinating even as I'm writing this. hahahahahaha.

Hopefully, my mood will get better. I'm 80% sure this is pms. sorry if that's too much information hahahahha. A lot of dry laughs in this post. *insert laugh cry emoji here...

A little late, but I'll lay some things out for the summer:

My goals for the school semester:
- Hopefully get an easy A in one of the math classes
- Strive for an A, study as much as I can for my major class
- Don't procrastinate and don't kill myself in my design class

My goals for the blog:
- Continue the Korea series, since I still have quite a few places to review haha
- I have a couple of picture series for make up products or reviews I want to do, so, those...

Fitness and health?
- Eh. Maybe it's an excuse, but I reallllllllllllly don't want to LOL. I'm always tired af after school and take 1 or 2 hours to take a nap... :'( but maybe.......
- I've been eating a ton of fruit, just cause my mom bought me a bunch because I don't really have time for a decent meal at school and I don't want to buy food every day.

Summer Plans:
- Kinda sad my family doesn't really plan to go anywhere, but I think my friends will want to.. It'll just be to a close (6-8 hr drive LOOOOL) beach or something, but I'm sooooooooooo ready to go somewhere :'( Even though this would be in August or something LOL.

Ok, if you're here: As always,

Thanks for reading,



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